1) Kattari, S.K., Kattari, L., Lacombe-Duncan, A., Shelton, J., & Misiolek, B.A. (2022). Differential experiences of sexual, physical, and emotional intimate partner violence among transgender and gender diverse adults. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
2) Lacombe-Duncan, A., Berringer, K.R., Green, J., Jacobs, A., Hamdi, A. (2022). “I do the she and her”: A qualitative exploration of HIV care providers’ considerations of trans women in gender-specific HIV care. Women’s Health.
3) Lacombe-Duncan A, Shokoohi M, Persad Y, Underhill A, Machouf N, Côté P, Wheatley M, Gupta M, Kyne LT, Besharati AA, Fung R, Chan LYL, Arbess G, Bourns A, Nguyen Q, Loutfy M. (2022). Short report: Characterizing HIV care among a clinical sample of transgender women living with HIV. HIV Med. [e-pub before print]: 1-7.
4) Lacombe-Duncan, A., & Olawale, R. (2022). Context, types, and consequences of violence across the lifecourse: A qualitative study of the lived experiences of transgender women living with HIV.Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37(5-6), 2242-2266.
5) Logie, C.H., Kinitz, D. J., Gittings, L., Persad, Y., Lacombe-Duncan, A., Poteat, T. (2022). Eliciting critical hope in community-based HIV research with transgender women in Toronto, Canada. Methodological insights. Health Promotion International.
6) Elwood C, Kennedy VL, Loutfy M, Poliquin V, Boucoiran I, Yudin MH. (2021). The Canadian HIV Pregnancy Planning Guidelines: What Pregnancy Care Providers Need to Know About HIV Transmission and Pre-Conception Considerations. J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 43(7): 884-887. Published.
7) Lacombe-Duncan, A., Logie, C.H., Persad, Y., Leblanc, G., Nation, K., Kia, H., Scheim, A., Lyons T., Horemans, C., Olawale, R. & Loutfy, M. (2021). Implementation and evaluation of the Transgender Education for Affirmative and Competent HIV and Healthcare (TEACHH)’ provider education pilot. BMC Medical Education, 21(1), 1-14.
​8) Lacombe-Duncan, A., Jadwin-Cakmak, L., Trammell, R., Burks, C., Rivera, B., Reyes, L., Abad, J., Ward, L., Harris, H., Harper, G., & Gamarel, K. (2021). “…Everybody else is more privileged. Then it’s us…”: A qualitative study exploring community responses to intersectional exclusion and health-disparaging social determinants of health among trans women of color in Detroit, Michigan. Sexuality Research and Social Policy.
9) Lacombe-Duncan A, Warren L, Kay ES, Persad Y, Soor J, Kia H, Underhill A, Logie CH, Kazemi M, Kaida A, de Pokomandy A, & Loutfy M. (2020). Mental health among transgender women living with HIV in Canada: findings from a national community-based research study. AIDS Care. [e-pub]: 1-9.
10) Lacombe-Duncan, A., Logie, C.H., Li, J., Mitchell, B., Williams, D., & Levermore, K. (2021). Social-ecological factors associated with having a regular healthcare provider among lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons in Jamaica. Global Public Health.
11) Lacombe-Duncan, A., Kia, H., Logie, C.H., Todd, K.P., Persad, Y., Leblanc, G., Nation, K., Scheim, A., Lyons, T., Horemans, C., & Loutfy, M. (2021). A qualitative exploration of barriers to HIV prevention, treatment, and support: Perspectives of transgender women and service providers. Health and Social Care in the Community, 29(5), e33-246. (IF=2.821)
work from this project promoted in a Canadian HIV Trials Network (CTN) Transgender Day of
Visibility article.
12) Lacombe-Duncan A, Logie C, Persad Y, Leblanc G, Nation K, Kia H, Scheim AI, Lyons T, Loutfy M. (2020). Transgender education for affirmative and competent HIV and healthcare (TEACHH): Protocol of community-based intervention development and a non-randomised multisite pilot study with pre-post test design in Canada. BMJ Open. 10(7): e034144.
13) Lacombe-Duncan, A., Logie, C.H., Newman, P.A., & Kazemi, M. (2020). A qualitative study of resilience among transgender women living with HIV in response to stigma in healthcare. AIDS Care,32(8), 1008-1013.
14) Kattari, S. K., Kattari, L., Johnson, I., Lacombe-Duncan, A., & Misiolek, B.A. (2020). Differential experiences of mental health among trans/gender diverse adults in Michigan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, 6805.
15) Logie, C.H., Lacombe-Duncan, A., Wang, Y.~, Levermore, K., Jones, N., Ellis, T., & Bryan, N. (2020). Adapting the psychological mediation framework for cisgender and transgender sexual minorities in Jamaica: Implications from latent versus observed variable approaches to sexual stigma. Social Science & Medicine, 245,
16) Lacombe-Duncan A, Newman PA, Bauer GR, Logie CH, Persad Y, Shokoohi M, O'Brien N, Kaida A, de Pokomandy A, & Loutfy M. (2019). Gender-affirming healthcare experiences and medical transition among transgender women living with HIV: A mixed methods study. Sexual Health. [e-pub]: [e-pub].
17) Logie, C.H., Lacombe-Duncan, A., Persad, Y., Ferguson, T.B., Yehdego, M., Ryan, S., Forrester,M.*, Moses, C., & Guta, A. (2019). The TRANScending Love arts-based workshop to address self acceptance internalized stigma among transgender women of color in Toronto, Canada: Findings from a qualitative implementation science study. Transgender Health, 4(1).
18) Lacombe-Duncan A, Bauer GR, Logie CH, Newman PA, Shokoohi M, Kay ES, Persad Y, O'Brien N, Kaida A, de Pokomandy A, Loutfy M. (2019). The HIV Care Cascade among transgender women with HIV in Canada: A Mixed-Methods Study. AIDS Patient Care STDs. 33(7): 308-322.
19) Logie, C. H., Wang, Y., Lacombe-Duncan, A., Jones, N., Ahmed, U., Levermore, K., Bryan, N., Harker, S., Marshall, A., & Newman, P. A. (2017). Factors associated with sex work involvement among transgender women in Jamaica: Results from a cross-sectional tablet-based survey. JIAS: Journal of the International AIDS Society, 20(1).
20) Logie, C. H., Lacombe-Duncan, A., Jones, N., & Levermore, K. (2017). Conceptualizing empowerment practice with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth in Jamaica. Social Work Education, 36(4), 456-465.
21) Lacombe-Duncan, A. (2016). An intersectional perspective on access to HIV-related healthcare for transgender women. Transgender Health, 1,1.